We want change, and we’re making it happen. Here are some of our accomplishments.

Governor Reynolds’ Executive Order on Felon Voting Rights

August 5, 2020 Governor Kim Reynolds signed an executive order restoring voting rights to most Iowans with felony convictions who have completed their sentences. We protested, spent days in the Capitol, and some were even arrested to make this happen. Our work isn’t done, though, until every adult Iowan is granted their right to vote.

Read the Executive Order.

City of Des Moines Racial Profiling Ordinance

June 22, 2020 The Des Moines City Council passed an ordinance on racial profiling. This is a step in the right direction, but we demand more from those elected to represent us. The version the council approved is a watered-down version of what was originally proposed. We want a civilian review board. We want cuts to the police budget. We want abolition.

Read the Ordinance.

Polk County Curfew Lifted


June 4, 2020 The Polk County Board of Supervisors lifted the curfew they had placed on residents to keep protestors from being outside past 9 p.m. We marched to Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie’s home and demanded that he work to have the curfew lifted. It was lifted the very next day.